SP/OK5EME - short EME pedition

432 MHz - June 2014


Rig:  3,2m dish + LNA 0,4dB N/F OK1DFC - Loop Feed OK1DFC - SSPA 1000W RF - OE5JFL tracking SW - IC9100 - sequencer - USB JT65 interface - MicroHam

Very short, two days pedition, was organize during EME and MW seminar in Gajow 2014. I had ready and tested 432 MHz setup and worked 30 QSOs CW and JT65B. This pedition was used as a EME traffic presentation parallel with my presentation in forum of SP hams.

Building dish

Building tripod and controll system

IC9100 with sequencer and MicroHam Keyer

OE5JFL antenna controler

Opened SSPA 1kW RF on 432 MHz

Preparing for Moon bouncing

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