Sun noise during Eclipse 04/01/2011


FOTO: Reuters

1296 MHz - OK1DFC - 10m dish F/D 0,4 - VLNA G4DDK - 0,2dB N/F - SDR14 + SpectraVue SW

Graph of Sun noise from 07:15 UTC when Eclipse started to 09:50 UTC when finish. Drop down during this period showing graph. -38dB as a level of maximum Sun noise and -44,5dB as a minimum when Sun disc was covered from approximately 80% by the Moon.

click on the picture for high resolution picture

Sun noise compare cold sky - 18dB by SFU 90

Temp. outside -8,6°C

07:15 UTC Pictures made by Canon EOS 350D - 350mm lens and chromatic filter - OK1DFC 08:24 UTC

2277 MHz - OK1CA - 10m dish

Graph description: 1101040810

Dish SBS 1-1

10 m dish, F/D 0,25 + square septum feed without ring, RHCP, VLNA N/F 0,5 dB at Gain 30 dB

Dish SBS 2-1

10 m dish, F/D 0,25 + square septum feed with ring, RHCP, VLNA N/F 0,5 dB at Gain 30 dB

Radiation diagram at 2,3 GHz is 1° for -3dB.

Measured values at 2277 MHz and 2 MHz broadband:


Full Sun




Cold Sky



Drop down

SBS 1-1 -96,1dB -100,7dB -116,1 dB 20 dB 4,6 dB
SBS 2-1 -92dB -97dB -112 dB 20 dB 5 dB
10m dish used by OK1CA

Comments and calculation OK1DAK - member of OK1KIR team

EXCEL file OK1CA Excel file OK1DFC - Total Eclipse in 11th of Aug. 1999 by OE5JFL and OE5EYM

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