Welcome to my website. The content is mainly focused on EME traffic and everything related to this traffic.



Ham Radio WEB  -  Pages


20th international EME conference Trenton N.J. USA





EME site in JN79GW. Left parabolic antenna, offset 2,6m is used for operation in microwave bands from 5760 to 47048 MHz. The right parabolic offset antenna is used for operation in the 432 - 3400 MHz bands.



144 - 3400 MHz EME dish

New 8m diameter offset dish 10/10/2021


432 - 3400 MHz EME dish

Prime focus 10m dish - 08/2005 - 08/2019




Since July 2019 this dish is not in my use.

Established between 2005 and 2019 worked 5328 EME QSOs

 from 432 up to 3400 MHz

Details here:


5760 - 10368 - 24048 - 47088 MHz EME dish

New Microwave dish 2,4m offset from 09/2020


5760 - 10368 - 24048 MHz EME dish

Microwave dish 2,4m offset from 09/2019-09/2020


Offset parabolic antenna with diameter 240cm F/D=0,6 and weight 300 kg.

 Material is duralumin, thickness 5mm.

The parabolic mirror is made of one piece of material, no segments.

Prodelin MW system with 2,4m offset dish - in use

08/2019 - 08/2020

worked 380 EME QSOs from 1296 up to 24048 MHz



144 MHz - 432 MHz - 1296 MHz - 2320 MHz - 3400 MHz - 5760 MHz


10368 MHz - 24048 MHz - 47088 MHz




from 144 MHz up to 24 GHz


I am member of:


OK-VHF club









Searching of calls or locators through

VHF-DX-Group DL West





Counting from 12.12.2005


free counters

 WEB site since 5th. Feb.2001

Thank you for your visit, please send me your comments


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